Weekly Strike Targets – September

Weekly Strike Targets for the Month of September 2019

Week Beginning Sept 02, 2019:
Soul of the Woodsman (Numina, Level 35-40)
The Crystal of Seraphina (Ice Mistral, Level 35-40)

Week Beginning Sept 09, 2019:
The Lady Grey TF (Lady Grey, Level 45-50)

Week Beginning Sept 16, 2019:
The Kheldian War (MoonFire, Striga Level 23-28)
Tree of Thorns Respec #1 (Sparcetriel, Level 24-33)
• Market Crash

Week Beginning Sept 23, 2019:
Ms. Liberty TF (Ms. Liberty, Level 45-50)
Future of Freedom (Lord Recluse, Level 45-50)

Week Beginning Sept 30, 2019:
Alpha Strike (Apex, Level 50 + Alpha Slot)


A new strike target is updated every Monday and awards bonuses through the next week. Strike targets will be either two activities (one hero/one villain) or one co-op activity. Strike targets are typically announced several weeks in advance.


Completing the target activity awards an extra amount of Reward Merits equal to the normal amount of merits awarded in addition to the normal rewards.

Additional rewards may be earned:

If the character completing the activity is not Level 50, approximately half a level (could be more or less depending on the average completion time of the activity) of bonus experience is awarded. If the character is level 50 and has unlocked the Incarnate System, they are awarded with a Notice of the Well, used in Rare and Very Rare Alpha Slot boosts.

For example:

Completing the Lady Grey Task Force normally awards 37 merits. The LGTF as a strike target awards 74 merits. Completing the Lord Recluse Strike Force normally awards a choice of a Synthetic Hamidon Origin Enhancement or 25 Reward merits. As a strike target, it awards either a SHO plus 25 merits, or 50 merits.

Both of the above examples also award the bonus experience or Notice of the Well if it applies to the completing character.

Note that all of these rewards are only awarded once per week, even if more than one Weekly Strike Target is available to a character; this means that a Vigilante or Rogue cannot gain the Weekly Strike Target rewards more than once by participating in both the Hero and Villain Strike Targets during the weeks where each side has a different target.

Completing a strike target after the first of the week awards progress to the following Accomplishment Badges. Completions are cumulative, so subsequent strike target completions do not need to be completed within the same week.


Assistant/Accomplice: You helped a team complete a Weekly Strike Target even though you already received the bonus for the week.

Backup/Confederate: You helped 10 teams complete a Weekly Strike Target even though you already received the bonus for the week.

Partner/Conspirator: You helped 50 teams complete a Weekly Strike Target even though you already received the bonus for the week.