Developing Wards of Lore

Wards of Lore has been around for a long time now. We have guilds in numerous MMOs including Rift, SWTOR, LOTRO to name a few. With the release of City of Heroes: Homecoming and return of the game that brought us all together, it felt like a good time to bring this site online.

At the time of this post, the majority (well, all) of the content so far is specifically related to CoH. Soon other games will be added as well. Generally the site will be a place for us to share our characters, guilds and gaming accomplishments with the world. We might even make some new friends in the process. It happened with Star Patrol.

The decision to include all our MMO whatnots in a single site was a simple one. Back in the day we’d have created a different site for each unique group hosted and administered by different members. This was a lot of work and virtually nothing came close to connecting them other than a list of links in the sidebar. This time, especially since all our various guilds tend to share the same name, we feel comfortable keeping everything in one place we can all contribute to.

So check back in and see what’s changing. This should be fun.